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Riverside Child Abuse Lawyer
Accused of child abuse in the Inland Empire?
There are many different actions that can be considered abusive. When an abusive action is directed against a minor under the age of 18, the abusive individual could be arrested and charged with the crime of child abuse. Actual physical harm, threats of imminent bodily injury, sexual abuse, and many other actions can result in child abuse charges. If you have been arrested and charged with this crime, then it is imperative that you seek the legal assistance of a Riverside domestic violence lawyer in your case as soon as possible.
The penalties for child abuse will depend on the specifics of your case. If you are charged with child abuse under California Penal Code §273(d), then you could face serious penalties upon conviction. This specific charge is a wobbler, which means that you could be charged with either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on your criminal history and other circumstances of your case.
Penalties for Abusing Children in California
If you are charged with a misdemeanor offense and are convicted, then you could face penalties of up to one year in county jail and up to $6,000 in fines. If you are convicted of a felony charge of child abuse, then you will face penalties of two, four, or six years in prison, and a maximum fee of $6,000. It is important that you retain skilled legal assistance in your case if you have been charged with this crime.
San Bernardino Child Abuse Defense Lawyer
Need a lawyer for a child abuse case in Riverside? At The Law Offices of Ty Martinez, we offer aggressive representation for those who have been charged with child abuse, domestic violence, assault and other various offenses. A criminal record is a very serious matter; if you are convicted of a criminal offense, then you will incur various penalties as well as a criminal record. Due to this record, you can be denied housing, employment, and other benefits that require a background check.
Contact a San Bernardino domestic violence attorney from our firm today to discuss your situation and to learn more about how we can help you.

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Domestic Violence
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